Ex Libris’ SFX software provides direct links from a database citation to full text (if electronically available).
Search the citation databases as you normally would. If the database is “OpenURL enabled” and correctly determines that you are from CSHL, you will see CSHL’s SFX/FindIt! icon:
Clicking on this icon will open a window that displays a menu of your available options. Since SFX/FindIt! linking service is context specific, your options will vary from citation to citation. Possible options may include:
- Full text of journal articles (if the article is available somewhere in the library’s electronic collection) You may see more that one full-text option in the menu because the library may subscribe to more than one full-text version of the same journal.
- Interlibrary Loan request form (if the article is not available).
- A link to the Library’s Online Catalog.
- A (DOI) Link
- A Web search using words from the article’s title
- A link to get help via e-mail
- The option to download the citation into EndNote.
Because SFX will open new windows, applications that block pop-ups must be disabled in order for SFX to work in some databases.
Electronic Journals Holding List
CSHL’s provides a list of journal available electronically. Both paid/commercial and open access journals are listed.
Citation Linker
Sometimes you have a citation to an article from a footnote in a book or other paper material. The allows you to manually enter a citation and Find It!
Why don’t I always go straight to the article when I click on “full text?”
The Find It! linking service will get you as close to the full-text as it can, given the structure and quality of the data being passed by the database vendors. Sometimes you’ll go straight to the full-text; sometimes you’ll have to navigate the publisher’s site yourself after that to get to the full-text. Essentially, a full-text link means that full-text is available — but you may have to do some of the work of getting to it yourself.
Troubleshooting the SFX/FindIt! button not being visible
The “OpenURL enabled” database needs to correctly identify you being affiliated with CSHL, otherwise, the button will not appear. Each database is different, but possible methods to determine affiliation, include:
IP Address range (try accessing the database from campus or use EZproxy).
Embedded the affiliation within the URL of the database (use the links only on the CSHL library webpage to access the databases).
Sign into the database (During your registration process, you might need to select your affiliation. MyNCBI uses this method).
Cookie (Most times a database will save a cookie on your computer, indicating either your login to that database or your CSHL affiliation. Subsequent access to that database can be totally transparent. If the cookie is deleted or you are using an alternate computer, you might need to re-login for the database to determine your affiliation).
Which databases feature SFX/FindIt! links?
- Faculty of 1000
- ISI Highly Cited
- Web of Knowledge
- Firstsearch
- WorldCat
- PubMed
- Science Direct